Become a Sponsor

Funding is made possible through generous contributions from local businesses and non-profit groups. Each summer series costs approximately $48,000 to produce – with funds exclusively spent on musicians, professional sound production, media, marketing, and security.

Because the San Marcos Performing Arts Association is a 501c3 non-profit charitable organization, all donations/contributions are typically considered tax deductible; however, we recommend that you please consult your tax professional regarding the deductibility of any contribution for your particular type of business.

Please review the different sponsorship levels below or reach out to someone on our team to find out what sponsorship level would best fit your goals or to discuss an opportunity that might not be listed below. 

Several of our sponsors are locals that are excited about the opportunity to spend time with the community and get to know their neighbors, such as James Walker. James Walker is a local realtor who has been a long time Series Sponsor for Summer in the Park. He noted that he and his wife are big music fans who always attend the concerts and enjoy watching the kids playing on the lawn and sitting side by side to families from all over San Marcos and the region. 

He points out that his sponsorship creates a win-win-win scenario: the community enjoys the concerts, his business thrives from the opportunity to network with so many current and prospective clients, and his customers appreciate the fact that they are doing business with a realtor who is clearly vested in the community. 

Coming from a marketing background, Mr. Walker is well aware that traditional methods of effectively advertising have become an increasingly hit-or-miss and difficult to evaluate proposition. But he has no doubt that his efforts to be seen and be heard at the concerts – while tossing out beach balls or handing out teddy bears – have clearly been effective in bringing new clients to his door.

Sponsorship Levels

Series Sponsor | $2,000

  • Business or Organization name will be displayed on a large 4X8 banner
    that will hang directly behind the performers on the stage during all
  • Prominent layout positioning on all media and PR materials associated
    with the Sumer In The Park series, including posters and hand bills.
  • Space at all concerts in the park for a 10X10 pop-up or table to display
    marketing materials and engage with concert goers.
  • Verbal recognition at all concerts.
  • Social media and website recognition.

Performance Sponsor | $750

  • Business or Organization name will be displayed on a professional 1X4
    placard prominently placed on stage at all concerts.
  • Prominent layout positioning on all media and PR materials associated
    with the Summer In The Park series, including posters and hand bills.
  • Featured Sponsor Designation for one of the eleven concerts.
  • Space for a 10X10 pop-up or table on the night of the Featured Sponsor
  • Verbal recognition at all concerts.
  • Social Media and website recognition.

Spotlight Sponsor | $250

  • Business, Organization, or Individual name will be displayed an 8”X26”
    placard placed on a display next to the stage at all concerts.
  • Verbal acknowledgement at all concerts.
  • Social media and website recognition.

Green Room Hospitality Sponsor | Please Contact for Pricing

  • Business or Organization name will be displayed on a banner
    that will hang during all concerts.
  • Prominent layout positioning on all media and PR materials associated
    with the Sumer In The Park series, including posters and hand bills.
  • Verbal recognition at all concerts.
  • Social media and website recognition.

Sponsorship Suggestion | Please Contact for Approval and Pricing

Are you looking to sponsor an activity or item that is not listed above? Reach out to our team! We would love discuss more details with and see if your idea is something that would be a good fit.

To submit a request to become a sponsor, please fill out the form below:

For personal donations, please input your name.
*Please note that we have limited marketing materials available on a first come, first serve basis. If available, we will reach out to you for pick up/drop off.


